During the last week of Term 1, we swung into APBL (Authentic Problem Based Learning) mode. We were given a "problem" of not having enough School Building Fund to "solve". In the end, we decided to solve this problem through a fund-raising funfair. But before that could happen, we had to go through the planning

Then comes......presentation time! Check out the quality of their Powerpoint Presentation slides!
Impressive, eh? :)

After these mind boggling sessions, it's time for hands-on! We decided to use ice-cream sticks to make little containers or gifts and have another section for games. Check out Ryan's masterpiece and others!

Finally, it's the big day! We had to decorate and man our stall.

Here are some of our satisfied customers (including our Principal, fellow schoolmates and siblings).

We were very tired at the end of the whole thing but we were really glad because we raised about $100 plus :) .
hi miss Lee, am i the first one to comment on this??any way, i enjoyed the APBL but, the P3s teared off our stars. err...one of the culprits to tear it off is my bro's fren.=[
4/28/2006 9:53 PM
I was wondering if the rest just saw the posting on the rockets and forgot about this! hee hee hee...Don't worry about the stars that it as the P3 are helping themselves to the freebies from our stall...ha ha ha
4/29/2006 11:14 AM
I hope those P3s just made their own stars,hey how about next time we do a fun fair again we sell stars instead of giving away freebies?
5/18/2006 5:33 PM
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