Traffic Game at Road Safety Park on 15th Feb 2006
My little seedlings had been looking forward to this outdoor activity for a long while.
The day finally arrived and off they went as pedestrians,

go-kart drivers

and cyclists.

They were all given a route card and they had to visit all the stations in the correct sequence.
They had to get the "policemen" (NPCC) to endorse on their route card when they visit a station.

Regardless of role, they were supposed to abide by the traffic rules, if not, they would be given demerit points by the "policemen" on duty.
Armed with their map-reading ability, most of them seemed alright, except for some...

who seemed lost?
The park gives a fairly realistic feel, it not only has traffic lights (they work!) and even a petrol station!

After this activity, will my seedlings be traffic rules abiding citizens? I'm not sure, but I sure know they had enjoyed themselves! I've proof. Check Genson out, he was one happy guy .

As for me? I prefer the real thing! :)

only 4 lame... JoVaNa
2/17/2006 4:28 PM
Miss Lee SO NOT FAIR!Other groups got chance to have thier pics posted when they do acting.WHERE"S MY GROUP?!?!?!
2/17/2006 7:20 PM
Wahx,Miss Lee is that a branded blue posh car?look like just buy 1 lehx
2/17/2006 7:24 PM
Oh WoW look at Genson,really 1 happy guy
2/17/2006 7:29 PM
ting shun, next time be on task and I'll have my digicam ready. When your group acted the battery of my digicam was flat. Sorry :p
2/17/2006 7:59 PM
That's ok Miss Lee
2/17/2006 8:40 PM
lol nice pics:)(anyway destro is Jeremiah)
2/17/2006 8:47 PM
thanks Eli for your lovely comments n for telling me who destro is...
2/17/2006 8:56 PM
hahaha piece, I was driving the other tr's car that day. Ahem the owner was the front passenger that day. Mine is blue :D
2/20/2006 8:35 PM
thanks but pls identify yourself pink addict :)
2/23/2006 1:08 PM
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