Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's APBL week!
The pupils have been given a task to save the withering plants of our Wall Garden - Hortus Eliascus.
Each group has been given a plant to adopt for a week and they have to try and find out the root of the problem.

These pupils will have to make decisions like how much water to give to the plants and where to place the plants based on their needs.

By the end of the week, they will have to prepare a proposal using Microsoft PowerPoint to propose a solution based on their findings to save the plants of our Hortus Eliascus. In order to do that, they will have to work together to discuss what to present ... ...

and how to present the ideas.

Stay tuned for more updates.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

We went to Road Safety Park on 2 Feb 2009. It was a hot day but I'm sure the pupils had fun while learning to abide by the safety rules. Here are some evidence:

The pupils role played to be pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. They had to call on the different check points according to the sequence stated in their logcards. Pupils who did not abide by the safety rules were given demerit points by the 'policemen' or 'policewomen' on duty.
I hope my pupils will remember a tip or two learned from this activity and apply them on the real public roads.