Alright, so PSLE is over but there are still 3 weeks to go before the end of the term.
Before that happens, here are some updates for the remaining time as an Eliasian seedling.
October 31 -> Visit to the Science Centre (I need a parent helper)
November 3 & 4 -> Garage Sale
November 5 -> Learning Journey @ Sungei Buloh (bring along ur binoculors) *
November 7 -> PROM Nite for P6 grads
November 12 -> CIP @ Red Cross (I need a parent helper) *
November 14 -> Prize Giving Day aka last day of school
November 20 -> Release of PSLE results (Report to sch by 11.45am dressed in sch uniform)
Tentatively, this should be it.
* pls note the change